Posts tagged Somatic Re-engineering
You're Working Too Hard

When I see new clients, 80-90% of them share one common struggle that’s evident to me within minutes of meeting them. They’re working too hard. To put it simply, they are unconsciously creating pain and physical breakdown and it shows. The great news is that simple, awareness-based exercises you can do during the small pockets of your busy day or after a hard day’s work as a reset can yield a tremendous shift forward in your experience of your body.

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Flow Hacking Transformation

When we’re in a deep, present state – the state of Flow – it not only feels incredible, it’s where transformative potential happens. Our minds often serve as a major roadblock to change (inner critic anyone?) and Flow is a great way to turn off that part of our day-to-day experience by literally altering our consciousness so we can create massive change in our lives.

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What's Your AQ?

Adaptability is the quality of being able to adjust to varying conditions. In our current world, it’s also the ability to respond quickly and skillfully to changing circumstances. Under an ever-increasing onslaught of information, stimulation, and stress, if you want to be successful at work or in your life in general, you need to be aware, nimble, and responsive.

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