Posts in pain relief
Solving Chronic Pain

Recent advances in pain science have taught us that, in order to solve chronic pain, you must holistically address the physical, psychological, and relational elements that go with it. It sounds pretty complicated, but what does that type of healing really look like? In this blog I share one of my all-time favorite client case studies that demonstrates how multidimensional this work can be, and the powerful transformation that awaits when you commit to this type of journey.

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Information Medicine

What if chronic pain was mainly bad information? When we’re in pain, our tendency is to search for structural reasons for the pain — is there disc degeneration, a torn ligament, an abnormality in a joint? Studies have shown though that most structural damage is not the cause of chronic pain, and that pain processing shifts over time to the parts of our brain associated with memory, learning & emotion. We “learn” to be in chronic pain. And if we can learn to be in chronic pain, we can also unlearn it. Read on to learn more.

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Why Not Smash Your Tension Away?

I’m just going to be blunt here: you can’t overpower and smash chronic tension out of your body. Doesn’t matter if you find the strongest, smartest, most skillful bodyworker on the planet. Why is that? You’re working against your biology in two key ways: (1) you and your nervous system have constructed that tension for a very solid set of reasons that smashing won’t eliminate, and (2) your fascia, the stuff that holds you together, is designed to provide you more stability & adaptability than human hands can change.

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