Posts tagged chronic pain
Your Posture Doesn't Really Matter

Strange thing to hear from a Rolfer I bet, especially since the field of Rolfing was more or less built on the belief that postural symmetry was the key to pain-free living. Folks often come see me to work on their posture, believing that better posture and greater symmetry will help them become pain-free, or keep them pain-free for life. Paradoxically, when you work hard at "good" posture, that very effort is often the culprit underneath your pain. Not an asymmetry or imbalance in your posture. Fact is, if you have less-than-perfect posture, you'll most likely be fine.

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Somatic Tracking 101

Somatic Tracking is a cornerstone mindfulness practice in the Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) toolkit. By simply slowing down, helping your nervous system settle a bit, and gently paying attention to the details of what’s happening in your body & mind, you can help take the fuel out of your chronic pain (especially when your pain is neuroplastic, or pain that your brain learns to be in over time). Read here for a step-by-step Somatic Tracking process you can try on your own.

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The Case For Neuroplastic Pain

I recently certified in Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT), a system of cutting-edge, mindfulness-driven psychological techniques for resolving chronic pain. Most chronic pain is neuroplastic (not structural), created when our brains misinterpret normal, safe signals from the body as if they're dangerous. Solving neuroplastic chronic pain can be a simple process, but how can you know if your pain comes from structural injury (a common, but frequently inaccurate, assessment under our current medical model) or because we’ve learned to be in pain? Read on to learn more.

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